NSSC 2 | Social Sciences and Economic Recovery

2nd National Social Science Congress
Social Sciences and Economic Recovery
24-26 November 1988

For the Second NSSC, PSSC chose the theme “Social Sciences and Economic Recovery.” PSSC leadership believed this to be a timely theme in view of the economic challenges faced by the newly-installed Aquino administration. During the pre-congress roundtable discussions, social scientists engaged representatives of government in an extensive discussion of national economic programs and policies such as agrarian reform and privatization of economic sectors, as well as related issues impinging on economic progress (e.g., governance, local autonomy, education). The salient points and recommendations raised from these discussions were presented and further discussed during the Congress proper attended by almost 300 participants from different sectors and institutions. The proceedings of the Congress were published in the 1988 issue of the PSSC Social Science Information.

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