NSSC 5 | What’s with the Filipino Youth: Perspectives from the Social Sciences

5th National Social Science Congress
What’s with the Filipino Youth: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
15-17 May 2003

The Filipino youth was the focus of the Fifth NSSC held on 15-17 May 2003. PSSC aimed to bring together social scientists and individuals and groups involved in youth concerns and programs to talk about their research and/or work on the Filipino youth. PSSC thought this to be a relevant topic given the greatly changed environment of the 21st century brought about by the twin phenomena of technological revolution and globalization. Three publications were prepared by PSSC to serve as background materials for the Congress: (a) The Filipino Youth: Some Findings from Research which gives an overview of the areas that had been covered by youth research and the findings/conclusions drawn from these studies; (b) The Filipino Youth: A Statistical Profile which presents some basic statistics on the country’s youth population; and (c) A Guide to Studies on the Filipino Youth: 1960-2003 which compiles the titles of Filipino youth studies in the last 40 years. The Congress was composed of 25 panel sessions/fora, the most popular of which were those on the youth and the new ICTs, reflections of past student leaders, and the language of youth. 

The preliminary findings of PSSC-UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines study on youth transitions were also presented in one panel session. Over 300 participants attended the Fifth NSSC, keynoted by Dr. Reynaldo Vea, a renowned scientist and educator and former youth activist. PSSC published the keynote address, select papers and discussions, and synthesis of the Congress in two special issues of the PSSC Social Science Information (January-June 2005 and July-December 2004). The salient points and findings in the Fifth NSSC served as inputs to the Philippine country paper for the 15th AASSREC Biennial General Conference held in November 2003 which had the theme “Asian Youth in Transition.”

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