NSSC 6 | The Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives

6th National Social Science Congress
The Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives
7-9 May 2008

The Sixth NSSC, convened on 7-9 May 2008, dwelt on the topic “The Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives.” Unlike previous conferences on education, the Sixth NSSC deliberately sought to use the theories, methods, and analytic tools of the different social science disciplines to analyze the nature and status of the country’s educational system and educational reform processes. In line with this, PSSC’s disciplinal members contributed panels tackling different aspects of Philippine education using the lens of their respective disciplines. In addition to the disciplinal panels, two special plenary sessions were organized, “Education and Education Reform: Experiences and Reflections from the Asia-Pacific Region” which featured leading scholars from the Asia-Pacific Region, and “Reforming Education: Reflections of Social Scientists as University Presidents” which comprised of trained social scientists currently serving as presidents of Philippine universities. The keynote address was delivered by Academician and current PSSC Chairperson Allan B.I. Bernardo. Some 223 participants from various sectors attended the Congress. PSSC expects to publish select papers of the Congress before year-end 2008.

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