NSSC 7 | Generations


7th National Social Science Congress
29-31 May 2013

Held on 29-31 May 2013, the Seventh NSSC on the theme “Generations” invited academics from the social sciences and other fields to share the results of their research on “generational” concerns in the Philippines, particularly on the following topics:

1.     Growing up/growing old in a colonial context: Youth and elderly during the Spanish, American, and Japanese occupation           
2.     Beyond Tandang Sora and Emiliong Bata: Generations and the Philippine Revolution
3.     The changing concerns and aspirations of the youth from Generation X to Z
4.     Goodbye to militancy?: Examining the impact of milieu on political mobilization across time 
5.     Intergenerational poverty
6.     Education and the global knowledge economy: Reforms in basic and higher education
7.     Continuing outflow: Changing faces/ages of migrant labor
8.     The more things change, have they remained the same?:  Philippine politics across generations
9.     The changing nature of relations from face-to-face to cyberspace 
10.  Retarding life cycles: The lure of being ageless and flawless
11.  Varied language use across generations
12.  The dissemination and use of information in the age of advanced communications technology
13.  Collective memories of the Philippine territory
14.  Disappearing spaces: Vast lands to skyscrapers
15.  The making of a generation: Changing Philippine demographics

The NSSC 7 produced 48 papers read at the conference, of which 15 were published in the book, “Filipino Generations in a Changing Landscape.”

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