16th Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference 2021

APSA 2021 Host and Convenors Post

16th Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference 2021
November 15-16, 2021
8:30 AM-11:00 AM and 2:00 PM-4:30 PM (Philippine Standard Time)

The theme of the APSA 2021 conference is Solidarity and Collaboration among Sociologists in Asia Pacific: Towards Resilience and Inclusive Development. While social fragmentation, inequality and discrimination are occurring on a global scale, COVID-19 and the climate crisis are also accelerating their negative impacts to our health, economy and risk governance systems. In the midst of these trends, it is important for sociologists and other social scientists in the Asia-Pacific region to share their problems and engage in dialogue to resolve them. We would like to invite many of our colleagues and friends to join us here at APSA 2021 to discuss these issues.

Join us and register at bit.ly/APSA2021Manila

For inquiries, please contact apsa2021manila@gmail.com

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