
Hold us to account – we want your feedback

PSSC takes its commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous learning seriously. We count on our members, partners and supporters to reach out to us when they have questions or concerns about the Council’s work. PSSC also appreciates positive feedback (praises, congratulations or confirmation). Any complaints and suggestions will be taken seriously and investigated following a feedback mechanism of the Council. Look at the full Feedback Response Policy and find more information on how to file a complaint or feedback here.

What is a complaint, in the context of this Feedback Response Process?

In the context of this policy, a complaint is an external grievance against PSSC, and more specifically against one of its employees, associated consultants or partners, or its programmes, actions or messages where the Council has allegedly failed to meet a commitment. That commitment might be related to our mission and values, our activities, our use of resources, professional and respectful staff conduct/behaviour, or a legal requirement. A complaint can also be filed against a members’ representatives considering the commitment to accountability we have as the PSSC Board of Trustees. In these cases, this policy needs to be read along with the recall of members’ representatives from PSSC Bodies (PSSC Amended By-Laws, Article III, Section 8).

Principles and Procedure

  1. All feedback will be taken seriously and handled as swiftly as possible, depending on the nature and complexity of the matter, and the values of transparency and accountability will underpin any complaint or concern regarding PSSC’s work.
  2. All complaints, inquiries and suggestions will be collected and logged through one central point before any action is taken, and documentation will continue during and after any required investigation. The Executive Director will receive all Feedback Forms and determine the most appropriate person to address the inquiry, suggestion, or complaint (depending upon the nature and level of complaints). Issues of conflict of interest will be identified by the PSSC Chairperson to ensure objectivity; should the need arise, the Head of Project Development and Management Section will assess the initial Feedback Form and initiate any investigation process that may be required.
  3. Confidentiality relating to the complaint will be safeguarded so far as reasonably practicable, including the person(s) to whom any complaint is addressed.
  4. Complaints will be handled in accordance with PSSC’s mission, vision and values as well with its policies and procedures (in particular PSSC’s Manual of Operations) and in accordance with any local laws and regulations applicable to the case.

Reference:  CIVICUS, Accountability for Civil Society by Civil Society: A Guide to Self-Regulation Initiatives (2014)

In case you want to provide suggestions or feedback on our work or if you would like to file a complaint, please use the Feedback Form provided on this website. You can also submit a complaint, suggestion or any feedback via email – please send your information on the points below to feedback@pssc.org.ph

You can also fill in the form and send it by post to Philippine Social Science Council, attn: PSSC Executive Director, 2nd Floor, Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1101. Note that it is possible to send feedback anonymously, without any contact details provided. In that case, the PSSC team will not be able to follow up with you directly for any further actions or answers; however, we still value your feedback and will attempt to make any necessary and appropriate investigation or amendment to our policies or processes. PSSC encourages that only genuine and accurate information is submitted.

You may download our relevant files below: