Author name: PSSC Administrator

From the ISC: Invitation for Feedback from Project Chair Geoffrey Boulton and ISC CEO Heide Hackmann

International Science Council. Please read the letter from the project Chair Geoffrey Boulton and ISC CEO Heide Hackmann, inviting your feedback on the report: The report is currently being prepared for publication in print, and the PDF at the link above will be replaced in the coming weeks (NB: the DOI will remain the same). If you

From the ISC: Invitation for Feedback from Project Chair Geoffrey Boulton and ISC CEO Heide Hackmann Read More »

Results: Survey on UNESCO draft Recommendation on Open Science

In December 2020, the ISC assisted the UNESCO in gathering comments from the scientific community on the first draft of the Recommendation on Open Science through an online survey. The results of the survey have now been published and will feed into the development of the final text of the Recommendation on Open Science, expected to

Results: Survey on UNESCO draft Recommendation on Open Science Read More »

Suggest a Topic for the next AASSREC Conference

This is a reminder that topic suggestions for the 24th Biennial General Conference need to be submitted to via return email no later than Friday 19 March. Your suggestions can be as formal or informal as you like and suggestions for sub-topics or sessional themes will be greatly appreciated. Thank you to those members who have already provided suggestions.

Suggest a Topic for the next AASSREC Conference Read More »

Lecture by Dr. Mellissa Withers on “Politics, Public Health, and the Pandemic” during the 2021 PMRN General Assembly

Dr. Mellissa Withers, Executive Director of the APRU Global Health Program, presents her lecture on how immigrants in the United States have been impacted by the pandemic during the 2021 Philippine Migration Research Network General Assembly held last March 1-2, 2021.

Lecture by Dr. Mellissa Withers on “Politics, Public Health, and the Pandemic” during the 2021 PMRN General Assembly Read More »

Lecture by 2021 VAMERA Recipient Dr. George Borrinaga on “José Rizal in the Emotional Landscape of Samar and Leyte at the Turn of the 20th Century”

On 23 February 2021, Dr. George Emmanuel R. Borrinaga, Assistant Professor at the History Section – Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and History of the University of San Carlos and Member of the Philippine National Historical Society (PNHS), was conferred the Philippine Social Science Council’s 9th Virginia A. Miralao Excellence in Research Award (VAMERA) for his

Lecture by 2021 VAMERA Recipient Dr. George Borrinaga on “José Rizal in the Emotional Landscape of Samar and Leyte at the Turn of the 20th Century” Read More »

After EDSA: Historical Revisionism and Other Factors That Led to the Marcoses’ Return

Thirty-five years since the Filipino people gathered along EDSA to oust the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his family, the Marcoses continue to make headlines, occupy positions of power, and have a strong presence in Philippine society. Their political clout is perhaps best exemplified by the results of the 2019 elections, which landed members of

After EDSA: Historical Revisionism and Other Factors That Led to the Marcoses’ Return Read More »