Call for Abstracts: One Social Science Journal

Philippine Social Science Council One Science Journal

Due to restrictions brought about by the pandemic, the Philippine Social Science Council has decided to update its call for papers and open a call for extended abstract (approx. 700-1000 words) instead.

One Social Science Journal is now accepting studies and other scholarly works in the fields of political science, linguistics, psychology, sociology, public administration, communication, anthropology and other related disciplines. For the initial volume, the Journal is inviting contributions from researchers, professionals, and students on any aspect of ethics and data privacy.

As a multidisciplinary social science journal, each contributor is expected to bear social science tools and perspectives that foster dialogues across social disciplines to analyse the issue in-depth. All manuscripts must be submitted to on or before 31 August 2020 and will be double-blind reviewed.

One Social Science Journal is the official refereed journal of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). It publishes research papers from social science scholars and practitioners on a diverse range of issues affecting the Philippines and its people. The Journal is published annually.

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