Call for Sessions for 59th PES Annual Meeting and Conference

Call For Sessions 2021

The Philippine Economic Society is now accepting session proposals for the 59th PES Annual Meeting and Conference, happening virtually on 11-12 November 2021, on the theme “Building Back Better: Harnessing Digitalization Towards a Transformed Philippines.”

Already marking a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, but with brighter prospects owing to the development of a vaccine, the world faces two major challenges: (1) continuing to manage COVID-19 and its emerging mutations; and, (2) jumpstarting the global economy. Measures taken to control the spread of COVID-19 took its toll on market economies, while the necessary shift to a digital economy reshaped the way goods and services are provided and magnified the existent digital divide across income groups in society. This digital divide impacts social, economic and financial inclusion, causing scarring and affecting human capital and infrastructure development, investments necessary for inclusive growth. This year’s PES Conference showcases these issues and aims to turnout ideas to pave the way for social, economic and financial inclusion, under a new fiscal and monetary consensus.

The deadline for submission of session proposals is 31 July 2021. Individuals or institutions interested in organizing breakout sessions must have the capability to virtually host the organized session for 1.5 hours, preferably through Zoom.

Visit the conference portal:…/59th-annual-meeting-and…
Submit a session proposal: the proposal template:

We look forward to your proposals!




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