NSSC X Conference Program
NSSC X Conference Program Read More »
The Philippine Social Science Council is looking for three student interns who can perform the following functions: Library Assistant Assist in cataloging physical resource collection of PSSC Assist in updating online databases and academic resource collection of PSSC Qualifications Undergraduate student in Bachelor in Library and Information Science/ Bachelor of Library Science Research Assistant Transcribe
WE ARE HIRING | 3 Student Interns Read More »
6th National Social Science CongressThe Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives7-9 May 2008 The Sixth NSSC, convened on 7-9 May 2008, dwelt on the topic “The Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives.” Unlike previous conferences on education, the Sixth NSSC deliberately sought to use the theories, methods, and analytic
NSSC 6 | The Paradox of Education and Education Reform: Social Science Perspectives Read More »
5th National Social Science CongressWhat’s with the Filipino Youth: Perspectives from the Social Sciences15-17 May 2003 The Filipino youth was the focus of the Fifth NSSC held on 15-17 May 2003. PSSC aimed to bring together social scientists and individuals and groups involved in youth concerns and programs to talk about their research and/or work
NSSC 5 | What’s with the Filipino Youth: Perspectives from the Social Sciences Read More »
4th National Social Science CongressThe Philippine Social Sciences in the Life of the Nation8-9 July 1998 The Fourth NSSC, held on 8-9 July 1998, picked up where the First NSSC left off. Fifteen years after the First NSSC came up with recommendations to advance social sciences in the Philippines, PSSC once again decided to look
NSSC 4 | The Philippine Social Sciences in the Life of the Nation Read More »
2nd National Social Science CongressEmpowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences9-10 December 1983 “Empowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences” was the topic of the Third NSSC held on 9-10 December 1993. In this Congress, Filipino social scientists tackled the issue of sustainable
CALL FOR PAPERSInternational Webinar on Long-Term Social Impactsof the Covid-19 Pandemic Over the past two years, the Covid-19 pandemic not only resulted in thousands of deaths, debilitations, and economic and other losses across the world, but also left a deep and indelible mark on the human psyche and society. A Pew Research Centre survey conducted
Here are the highlights during The Climate Dialogues: Bolstering Climate Action with Social Science last 27 January 2021. The Oscar M. Lopez Center and the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) are grateful for your participation in our endeavors to understand of the social facets of climate change. During the event, the social science experts conversed on how the social sciences can contribute to
Key Highlights from The Climate Dialogues: Bolstering Climate Action with Social Science Read More »
Please join us this Thursday (29 July 2021) at 2:00 – 4:00 pm for the PSSC-WSAP webinar onCOVID-19 EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN AND LGBTQ COMMUNITY. The webinar is the second of PSSC’s Life in Lockdown: The Social Science Webinar Series that aims to recognize the works or contribution of social scientists and explore their role in helping solve the country’s most complex issues brought
The Philippine Social Science Council successfully holds the first of its three-part webinar, “Life in Lockdown: Perspectives from Social Scientists” last 15 June 2021. This series seeks to recognize the works or contribution of social scientists during the pandemic and explore their role in solving the country’s most complex issues brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.