Leslie E. Bauzon

Dr. Leslie E. Bauzon, a historian and educator, has made significant contributions to the field of cultural studies of Filipino communities. He has held a variety of positions in national and international institutions and organizations, which have allowed him to continuously expand his influence and knowledge in the field. In particular, he presided over the International Association of Historians of Asia from 1980 to 1983, and the Philippine National Historical Society from 1983 to 1994. He also led the Philippine Social Science Council as Chairperson of its Executive Board in 1983 and its Governing Council in 1991.[1]

Dr. Bauzon held comparable positions at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman. He was the first Dean of the university’s College of Social Sciences and Philosophy from 1983 to 1989, and the Chairperson of its history department from 1974 to 1977. While in his service as Dean, he established the Social Sciences and Philosophy Research Foundation in 1987.[1] These positions and contributions have been long recognized as he received the Most Outstanding Faculty Member for 1983 from the UP Alpha Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu.[2] He was also given a plaque honoring his “exemplary leadership, selfless service, and unwavering commitment” as the college’s first dean and founder by the UP College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Most recently, he received the Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Achievement Award for History and Archaeology Research and Scholarship at the University of the Philippines (UP) Phi Kappa Phi Chapter’s 90th Anniversary Recognition Program.[3]

Aside from being a professor of History in the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UP Diliman, Dr. Bauzon was a Visiting Professor at the School of Area Studies – University of Tsukuba in Japan (1994-1997), Faculty of Letters – Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia (1998), and Japan Center for Area Studies – National Museum of Ethnology in Japan (2000). He also worked as a Visiting Foreign Research Fellow Institute of Philosophy at the University of Tsukuba, and a Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies in Kyoto University, Japan.[1]

His publications in the country and abroad are one of the most frequently cited in the fields of cultural studies, agrarian reform, rural development, and history. He was the Editor of The Journal of History from its 27th to 35th volume (1982-1990).[1] His education includes an undergraduate degree in history from Silliman University in 1964 where he was awarded the Outstanding Sillimanian Award in Education and History from Siliman University in 1989.[2] His MA is from Stetson University in Florida (1965), and a doctorate in the same field from Duke University in North Carolina (1971), the United States.[1]

[1] Curriculum Vitae. (2001). Bauzon.ph

[2] Outstanding Sillimanian Awardees. (2023). Silliman University.

[3] Alumni Update March 20 – 26, 2023. (2023). Silliman University.