LECTURE | ELT and the Digital Future: How Can Language Teachers Stay Ahead of the Curve?


The Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP) and the Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research (LIDER) invite you to a lecture on “ELT and the Digital Future: How Can Language Teachers Stay Ahead of the Curve?” by SEAMEO-RELC, Singapore language specialist Dr. Joel C. Meniado. Join via Zoom on February 13, 2021 (Saturday) from 10AM-12 NN (Philippine Standard Time)!

Societal and technological changes are transforming the ways English language is taught and learned. New systems, standards, and practices emerge due to the continuous influx of technological innovations and social developments. With the ELT landscape becoming more complex and demanding, what new roles will language teachers hold in the years ahead? How can they become more responsive and competitive in the digital future? What new skills or competencies do they need in order to stay ahead of the curve?
This presentation will describe the trends and trajectories of digital language teaching and learning, discuss the emerging roles of 21st-century English teachers, explore the new skills and competencies they need in the future, and illustrate how they can effectively develop and sustain these new skills and competencies in their own innovative ways. Participants are expected to gain new knowledge and insights on how to keep themselves more relevant and competitive in the age of digital language teaching and learning.

About the speaker
Dr. Joel Meniado is a language specialist at the SEAMEO Regional Language Centre in Singapore. He teaches post-graduate courses in Teaching Reading and Writing, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Classroom-Based Research, and Language Assessment. His research interests include exploring innovative ways in teaching reading and writing, and using technologies to teach second language and assess language learning. For more than 20 years, he has worked as English language professor in the Southeast Asian and Arabian Gulf regions. Presently, he serves as member of the Membership Professional Council of the TESOL International Association in USA and as external reviewer for renowned international professional journals.

The lecture is FREE and open to anyone interested. To join, click this link or enter the meeting details below:
Meeting ID: 913 8665 5071
Passcode: LIDER

Admission is on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Only participants with legit ZOOM IDs will be admitted. Nicknames, code names, gadget IDs are automatically removed. Please make sure you use your full names as ZOOM IDs. Electronic Certificates of Participation will be sent via email to the attendees after they accomplish the evaluation form.

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