CALL FOR PAPERS | Commoning Ethnography

14feb01aprCALL FOR PAPERS | Commoning Ethnography

Event Details

Commoning Ethnography is opening paper submissions for its sixth volume.

Commoning Ethnography is an off-centre, annual, international, peer-engaged, open access, online journal dedicated to examining, criticizing, and redrawing the boundaries of ethnographic research, teaching, knowledge, and praxis.

Submissions that explore the boundaries of ethnographic knowledge, experiment with forms of ethnographic writing, disturb the authority of single authorship, consider how property norms shape ethnographic research, and rethink communities of ethnographic research in a variety of yet unanticipated ways are welcome, as well as ethnographic and theoretical accounts of the commoning projects that exist within contemporary life, be they within academia, social movements, political spaces, emergent economies, environmental debates, creative practices or in intimate and quotidian arenas of social life.

Standard research articles (6,000-8,000 words) are accepted, as well as a range of other collaborative, creative, and exploratory works (see our website for details:

We are interested in reflective, engaged, and impassioned writing– works that challenge norms of ethnographic writing by expanding the rules of authorship and finding novel ways to enhance collaborations with research partners, incorporating their voices, thoughts, and discontents into our own practices of research. We are particularly interested in work that reflects an off-kilter, handmade approach to knowledge production and dissemination; this includes, but is not limited to, new graphic forms like cartoons or photo essays.

Work that extends the limits of established academic networks, breaches boundaries between the centres and peripheries of academia, and considers critically who and what can be included in our conversations are highly encouraged.

To submit, please use the OJS submission system. If you have questions or brief pitches for potential articles or special sections, please contact our editorial team at

Deadline for Open Submissions is April 1, 2024. Work submitted after this date will still be considered, but for Volume 7.



February 14 (Wednesday) 1:00 am - April 1 (Monday) 11:59 pm(GMT+08:00)

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