CALL FOR PAPERS | Philippine Economic Society 62nd Annual Meeting and Conference

01jun1:00 am21aug(aug 21)11:59 pmCALL FOR PAPERS | Philippine Economic Society 62nd Annual Meeting and Conference

Event Details

The Philippine Economic Society will hold its 62nd Annual Meeting and Conference with the theme, “Traversing Innovative Pathways for Economic Resilience, Inclusion, and Localization in the Philippines” on 7-8 November 2024 at the Novotel Manila Araneta City, Quezon City.

As the Philippines embarks in its economic journey towards attaining upper middle-income class status, it faces a myriad of challenges, ranging from health and education inequalities, to persistent poverty and governance deficits, exacerbated by geographic disparities. The urgent need to catalyze transformative reforms, particularly in the aftermath of debt-driven pandemic recovery efforts and economic contractions, is paramount. 

Sustainable growth hinges on transformative reforms spanning education, health, food security, social protection, and infrastructure, augmented by localization and digitalization initiatives. Embracing a bundled approach to innovations and aligning them with industrial policies for sectoral development can help mitigate tradeoffs and facilitate collective progress.

The theme “Traversing Innovative Pathways for Economic Resilience, Inclusion, and Localization in the Philippines” mirrors the nation’s aspirations and forward momentum. It seeks to explore transformative strategies aimed at propelling the nation towards sustainable development, prosperity, and upper-middle-income status. Local economic development is a critical strategy  to enhance innovative solutions to address economic challenges and promote resilience, inclusion, and localization. With increased devolution of powers and resources, LGUs have the autonomy to implement tailored strategies that cater to local needs, thereby driving inclusive growth and fostering economic resilience.

The conference will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, and dialogues, providing a platform for stakeholders to exchange insights, share best practices, and co-create innovative solutions. Sessions will delve into various topics, including empowering local governance, promoting innovative PPPs with LGUs, enhancing infrastructure and capital investments, implementing structural changes, transforming key systems, leveraging digitalization, and developing sectoral industrial policies.

The PES invites individual papers and session proposals on all theoretical, empirical, and policy dimensions of the following sub-topics:

  • Agriculture, food security, and rural development 
  • Business cycle and productivity analysis
  • Competition and innovation frameworks and incentives
  • Creative economy
  • Digital economies
  • Econometric models and applications
  • Economics of gender
  • Economics and other social sciences
  • Economics of natural disasters
  • Education, health, and human capital formation
  • Energy economics
  • Industry studies: public and transportation utilities
  • Institutional economics, law and order, liability rules
  • Labor economics
  • Long-term planning, modeling, and economic forecasting
  • Natural resources, environment, and sustainable economic development
  • Poverty alleviation and social protection
  • Public finance, monetary and financial economics
  • Teaching of economics
  • Trade and economic integration

Note: If you have a paper that does not clearly fit in any of these subtopics, you are still welcome to submit.

Submission of Proposals

All breakout sessions of the 62nd PES Annual Meeting and Conference will be held on-site at the Novotel Manila Araneta City. Individuals or institutions interested in organizing breakout sessions must prepare proposals for a 1.5-hour session. Meanwhile, individual paper presenters will be grouped together into breakout sessions to be organized by the PES.

Individual paper submissions must include (1) a two-page executive summary of the paper containing the purpose of the research, method of data gathering and analysis, and overview of findings; and (2) a 150-word maximum abstract of the research paper.

Session organizers must submit a session proposal in one Word document file, which includes (1) the session title; (2) a 150-word maximum session abstract; (3) titles and abstracts of each paper presentation; and (4) the list of session participants (e.g., moderator, presenters, discussants), including their names, institutional affiliations, positions, and email addresses. You may download the session proposal template by clicking here.

The deadline for submission is on 31 July 2024. Proposals must be submitted through the submission form.

Review and Acceptance of Proposals

All abstracts and session proposals shall be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee. PES shall issue notices of acceptance by 30 August 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts may also submit their full papers should they wish to be considered for possible publication in The Philippine Review of Economics journal.

Dates to Remember

Submission of abstracts and session proposals 31 July 2024
Notification of acceptance 30 August 2024
Deadline of confirmation of participation*        15 September 2024
Deadline of full paper submission** 15 October 2024
Conference dates 7-8 November 2024

* Only those who confirmed their participation and paid their registration fee will be included in the program.
** Submission of full paper is optional if the presenters wish to be considered for possible publication in The Philippine Review of Economics journal.

For more information, visit



June 1 (Saturday) 1:00 am - August 21 (Wednesday) 11:59 pm(GMT+08:00)