Key Highlights from The Climate Dialogues: Bolstering Climate Action with Social Science

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Here are the highlights during The Climate Dialogues: Bolstering Climate Action with Social Science last 27 January 2021. The Oscar M. Lopez Center and the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) are grateful for your participation in our endeavors to understand of the social facets of climate change. 

During the event, the social science experts conversed on how the social sciences can contribute to solving climate change. We would like to thank once again Prof. Rosalie Arcala Hall (Political Science), Dr. Helen Dayo (Anthropology), Mr. Jim Duran (Communication), Atty. Josine Alexandra Gamboa (Law), Dr. Emmanuel Luna (Community Development),  and Dr. Oliver Sta. Ana (Psychology) for their invaluable participation. We also extend our gratitude to Prof. Flordeliz Abanto, who moderated the conversations, and Dr. Rene Ofreneo who served as reactor. The experts shared their insights and experiences related to climate change, guided by research questions: 

  1. What social science perspectives can help understand the interactions of human and natural systems under climate change? 
  2. How can the social sciences work together, including those outside of the disciplines, in addressing climate change? 
  3. How can we establish and/or institutionalize knowledge networks, capacity building, and interdisciplinary co-production to help shape the climate discourse and spur action?

The experts surfaced in the three conversations social science perspectives that can help understand the human-nature interaction, how it can work with other disciplines, and how it can shape climate discourse. The following key highlights emerged:

  • Social science perspectives in climate change revolve around a diverse range of social factors and circumstances such as local experiences, behavior, perception, policies, people participation, and empowerment. These factors affect how we receive information and translate it into action. 
  • Different fields of social sciences can play a vital role in providing a deeper understanding of the social dimensions of climate change. The task at hand is nurturing the kind of collaboration towards producing and translating these perspectives into transformational and actionable knowledge.
  • Stakeholder engagement, capacity building, knowledge platform or tools, and co-production were identified as key elements to increase awareness and promote climate action. Interdisciplinary research is a preferred approach and dominant method for addressing climate change.
  • Political, behavioral, and informational factors present challenges and barriers to action.

The OML Center and PSSC are undertaking a content analysis of the conversations, the results of which shall be released at a later time.

Written by the Oscar M. Lopez Center. To learn more about this venture, visit the OML Center website. Watch a recording of the webinar here.

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