3rd LSP International Conference

LSP Conference

The Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP), together with the University of Santo Tomas, will hold its 3rd LSP International Conference from 11 to 13 March 2021 in a fully digital format.

With the theme “Linguistics, Languages, and Languaging: Braving the Challenges of the New Normal,” the aim of LSPIC 2021 is to serve as a nexus of discussions for the most recent trends and innovations in language research and language teaching.

You may submit abstracts for the conference until 15 December 2020, 11:59PM (Philippine Standard Time).

All questions about submissions should be emailed to linguisticsocietyphil@gmail.com.

The Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP), together with the University of Santo Tomas, will hold its 3rd LSP International Conference from 11 to 13 March 2021 in a fully digital format.

With the theme “Linguistics, Languages, and Languaging: Braving the Challenges of the New Normal,” the aim of LSPIC 2021 is to serve as a nexus of discussions for the most recent trends and innovations in language research and language teaching.

You may submit abstracts for the conference until 15 December 2020, 11:59PM (Philippine Standard Time).

All questions about submissions should be emailed to linguisticsocietyphil@gmail.com.

The Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP), together with the University of Santo Tomas, will hold its 3rd LSP International Conference from 11 to 13 March 2021 in a fully digital format.

With the theme “Linguistics, Languages, and Languaging: Braving the Challenges of the New Normal,” the aim of LSPIC 2021 is to serve as a nexus of discussions for the most recent trends and innovations in language research and language teaching.

You may submit abstracts for the conference until 15 December 2020, 11:59PM (Philippine Standard Time).

All questions about submissions should be emailed to linguisticsocietyphil@gmail.com.

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