NSSC 3 | Empowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences

2nd National Social Science Congress
Empowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences
9-10 December 1983

“Empowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences” was the topic of the Third NSSC held on 9-10 December 1993. In this Congress, Filipino social scientists tackled the issue of sustainable development, one of the key policy thrusts of the Ramos Administration. The 350 congress participants examined the impact of major economic programs on Philippine environment and natural resources, and discussed the existing strategies employed by government to balance its aspirations of NIChood and environmental protection. One of the main outputs of the Congress was the formulation of theoretical frameworks to gain a better understanding of the processes needed to bring the country closer to attaining the goal of sustainable development. Aiming for a wider circulation of the congress papers, PSSC soon after published the congress papers in one volume entitled Empowerment and Accountability for Sustainable Development: Towards Theory Building in the Social Sciences.

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