PSSC’s One Social Science Journal: Extended Call for Research Papers

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Theme: Ethics and Data Privacy in the 21st Century

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is still accepting research papers in the fields of political science, linguistics, psychology, sociology, public administration, communication, anthropology, and other related disciplines. For the initial volume, the journal is inviting contributions from researchers, professionals, and students on any aspect of ethics and data privacy, including, but not limited to the following:

  • the changing boundaries of what is ethical;
  • intersection of culture and ethics;
  • content and impact of Philippine statutes and regulations on ethics and data privacy;
  • role and effectiveness of the National Privacy Commission;
  • ethical principles and practices of major professions/sectors (e.g., social sciences, medical/health sciences, media/journalism, law and government, education, business, science and technology) and academic/research institutions;
  • grassroots and indigenous perspectives on ethics/data privacy;
  • ethical misconduct and privacy infractions by governments and powerful corporations;
  • plagiarism and predatory conferences and journals;
  • ethical research process in the time of COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • decision-making on ethical dilemmas and challenges.

As the OSSJ is a multidisciplinary social science journal, each contributor is expected to utilize social science tools and perspectives that can foster dialogues across disciplines and analyze issues in-depth.

Contributors must observe the following guidelines:

  1. Articles must be original contributions, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  2. Articles must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx) format with Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing;
  3. All papers must be kept within 8,000-10,000 words, or 20 to 30 pages, including tables, charts, footnotes/endnotes, and bibliographic entries;
  4. In-text citation, bibliography, and punctuations must follow the American Psychological Association style (6th Edition);
  5. Articles must include a 250-word abstract and 3 to 5 keywords;
  6. The author’s name, title, and institutional address, as well as a brief biographical note (300-word maximum), must be submitted via a separate Word document;
  7. Articles must be submitted to on or before 16 November 2020 (Monday).

Sample Outline of a Research Paper

Note:  While contributors are free to follow this example, the OSSJ is flexible as to format and allows for the independence and creativity of authors.

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
    1. Background
    2. Rationale or Significance of the Study
  5. Research Problem and Objectives
    1. Contextualizing the Research Problem
  6. Literature Review
  7. Theoretical Framework/s
  8. Methodology
  9. Presentation of Findings
  10. Discussion or Analysis
  11. Conclusion and Recommendations
  12. References
  13. Appendices

All article contributions will be subjected to a double-blind review. Once the article is approved and selected for publication, its copyright will be transferred to PSSC. An author may reuse portions of his/her article only for non-commercial activities, such as conference presentations or as part of class lectures or seminars.

About the Journal

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is the official refereed journal of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). It publishes research papers, research notes, essays, book reviews and interviews from social science scholars and practitioners on a diverse range of issues affecting the Philippines and its people. The OSSJ is published annually.


Theme: Ethics and Data Privacy in the 21st Century

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is still accepting research papers in the fields of political science, linguistics, psychology, sociology, public administration, communication, anthropology, and other related disciplines. For the initial volume, the journal is inviting contributions from researchers, professionals, and students on any aspect of ethics and data privacy, including, but not limited to the following:

  • the changing boundaries of what is ethical;
  • intersection of culture and ethics;
  • content and impact of Philippine statutes and regulations on ethics and data privacy;
  • role and effectiveness of the National Privacy Commission;
  • ethical principles and practices of major professions/sectors (e.g., social sciences, medical/health sciences, media/journalism, law and government, education, business, science and technology) and academic/research institutions;
  • grassroots and indigenous perspectives on ethics/data privacy;
  • ethical misconduct and privacy infractions by governments and powerful corporations;
  • plagiarism and predatory conferences and journals;
  • ethical research process in the time of COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • decision-making on ethical dilemmas and challenges.

As the OSSJ is a multidisciplinary social science journal, each contributor is expected to utilize social science tools and perspectives that can foster dialogues across disciplines and analyze issues in-depth.

Contributors must observe the following guidelines:

  1. Articles must be original contributions, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  2. Articles must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx) format with Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing;
  3. All papers must be kept within 8,000-10,000 words, or 20 to 30 pages, including tables, charts, footnotes/endnotes, and bibliographic entries;
  4. In-text citation, bibliography, and punctuations must follow the American Psychological Association style (6th Edition);
  5. Articles must include a 250-word abstract and 3 to 5 keywords;
  6. The author’s name, title, and institutional address, as well as a brief biographical note (300-word maximum), must be submitted via a separate Word document;
  7. Articles must be submitted to on or before 16 November 2020 (Monday).

Sample Outline of a Research Paper

Note:  While contributors are free to follow this example, the OSSJ is flexible as to format and allows for the independence and creativity of authors.

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
    1. Background
    2. Rationale or Significance of the Study
  5. Research Problem and Objectives
    1. Contextualizing the Research Problem
  6. Literature Review
  7. Theoretical Framework/s
  8. Methodology
  9. Presentation of Findings
  10. Discussion or Analysis
  11. Conclusion and Recommendations
  12. References
  13. Appendices

All article contributions will be subjected to a double-blind review. Once the article is approved and selected for publication, its copyright will be transferred to PSSC. An author may reuse portions of his/her article only for non-commercial activities, such as conference presentations or as part of class lectures or seminars.

About the Journal

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is the official refereed journal of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). It publishes research papers, research notes, essays, book reviews and interviews from social science scholars and practitioners on a diverse range of issues affecting the Philippines and its people. The OSSJ is published annually.


Theme: Ethics and Data Privacy in the 21st Century

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is still accepting research papers in the fields of political science, linguistics, psychology, sociology, public administration, communication, anthropology, and other related disciplines. For the initial volume, the journal is inviting contributions from researchers, professionals, and students on any aspect of ethics and data privacy, including, but not limited to the following:

  • the changing boundaries of what is ethical;
  • intersection of culture and ethics;
  • content and impact of Philippine statutes and regulations on ethics and data privacy;
  • role and effectiveness of the National Privacy Commission;
  • ethical principles and practices of major professions/sectors (e.g., social sciences, medical/health sciences, media/journalism, law and government, education, business, science and technology) and academic/research institutions;
  • grassroots and indigenous perspectives on ethics/data privacy;
  • ethical misconduct and privacy infractions by governments and powerful corporations;
  • plagiarism and predatory conferences and journals;
  • ethical research process in the time of COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • decision-making on ethical dilemmas and challenges.

As the OSSJ is a multidisciplinary social science journal, each contributor is expected to utilize social science tools and perspectives that can foster dialogues across disciplines and analyze issues in-depth.

Contributors must observe the following guidelines:

  1. Articles must be original contributions, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  2. Articles must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx) format with Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing;
  3. All papers must be kept within 8,000-10,000 words, or 20 to 30 pages, including tables, charts, footnotes/endnotes, and bibliographic entries;
  4. In-text citation, bibliography, and punctuations must follow the American Psychological Association style (6th Edition);
  5. Articles must include a 250-word abstract and 3 to 5 keywords;
  6. The author’s name, title, and institutional address, as well as a brief biographical note (300-word maximum), must be submitted via a separate Word document;
  7. Articles must be submitted to on or before 16 November 2020 (Monday).

Sample Outline of a Research Paper

Note:  While contributors are free to follow this example, the OSSJ is flexible as to format and allows for the independence and creativity of authors.

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
    1. Background
    2. Rationale or Significance of the Study
  5. Research Problem and Objectives
    1. Contextualizing the Research Problem
  6. Literature Review
  7. Theoretical Framework/s
  8. Methodology
  9. Presentation of Findings
  10. Discussion or Analysis
  11. Conclusion and Recommendations
  12. References
  13. Appendices

All article contributions will be subjected to a double-blind review. Once the article is approved and selected for publication, its copyright will be transferred to PSSC. An author may reuse portions of his/her article only for non-commercial activities, such as conference presentations or as part of class lectures or seminars.

About the Journal

One Social Science Journal (OSSJ) is the official refereed journal of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). It publishes research papers, research notes, essays, book reviews and interviews from social science scholars and practitioners on a diverse range of issues affecting the Philippines and its people. The OSSJ is published annually.

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