WEBINAR | How’s Work? How’s Family?


The Philippines Communication Society (PCS) invites you to a FREE webinar entitled “How’s Work? How’s Family?: Practical Insights from Family Communication Researches That Can Help Us Grow as Members of Families and Organizations.” This will be held on December 5, 2020 (Saturday) from 2:00PM to 4:00PM via ZOOM and will be streamed LIVE on PCS’s official Facebook Page.

The speakers are Dr. Julienne Thesa Y. Baldo-Cubelo and Dr. Randy Jay C. Solis, both from the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Mass Communication, with Dr. Ma. Rosel S. San Pascual as moderator.

Specific topics include:

  1. Family communication research findings we can use in carrying through our work-from-home set-up and inspirations for future research projects in family communication;
  2. Mediatization of care circulation in the modern milieu: What we can learn from transnational families.

Register here: https://tinyurl.com/PCSWeb3

See you at the webinar!

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