Tax the Rich! Nine Reasons for a Wealth Tax

This policy brief has enumerated nine reasons why a wealth tax is not only necesssary; it is also essential to confronting and reversing rising inequalities all over the globe. Since existing inequalities are multidimensional, imposing a wealth tax is an important step toward addressing many of the more pressing problems of human societies. And it can render reparations to the billions of people around the planet who have been marginalized by the injustices of the system.

The UP CIDS Policy Brief Series features short reports, analyses, and commentaries on issues of national significance and aims to provide research-based inputs for public policy. The views and opinions expressed in this policy brief are those of the author/s and neither reflect nor represent those of the University of the Philippines or the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies. UP CIDS policy briefs are not for quotation or reprinting without permission from the author/s and the Center.

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