The Informal Labor Carries the Brunt of a COVID-19–induced Economic Recession: The Need for Stronger Transition Policies to Formality

This policy brief stresses the urgency of addressing the widespread and persistent informality of the Filipino workforce—a situation that weakens the generation and mobilization of fiscal resources and dampens the development of human capital. Reversing this trend is imperative for the country’s economic recovery and attainment of a sustainable and inclusive development.

The UP CIDS Policy Brief Series features short reports, analyses, and commentaries on issues of national significance and aims to provide research-based inputs for public policy. The views and opinions expressed in this policy brief are those of the author/s and neither reflect nor represent those of the University of the Philippines or the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies. UP CIDS policy briefs are not for quotation or reprinting without permission from the author/s and the Center.

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