Philippine Journal of Psychology Vol 44 No 1


Various Authors

The Philippine Journal of Psychology (PJP) is an international refereed journal published biannually by the Psychological Association of the Philippines. It is the flagship journal of psychology in the Philippines, and its principal aim is to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and psychological studies of the Filipino people. The PJP publishes articles representing scholarly works of Philippine psychologists, articles on psychological studies conducted with Filipino participants and/or conducted in Philippine society, cross-cultural studies including a Philippine sample, and articles of general interest to psychologists studying and working with Filipino people.


  • Social Representations of Mining Conflict in Davao Oriental by Marshaley J. Baquino and Cristina J. Montiel
  • Shared and Contested Meanings in the Mindanao Conflict: Exploring People’s Understanding of Bangsamoro by Judith M. de Guzman and Charlie M. Inzon
  • Exploring the Role of Organizational Power Distance as a Moderator of Managerial Influence Tactics and Subordinates’ Degree of Commitment by Gerald B. Peñaranda
  • Deconstructing Emotional Labor by Ma. Regina M. Hechanova
  • “It Makes Me What I Am”: Interpretative Phenomenological Investigation of the Social Emotional World of an Adolescent with Asperger’s Syndrome by Anthony S. Grecia and Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo
  • An Exercise to Teach the Psychological Benefits of Solitude: The Date with the Self by Eric Julian Manalastas

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