Learning Initiative to Improve Knowledge, Aptitude and Skills (LIKAS) on Climate Change for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

Dates of Implementation/Duration:  28-30 March 2022

Partner Institution: Department of Environment and Natural Resources


  1.   Understand basic climate change concepts and climate data;
  2.   Identify CC challenges in the Philippine and the appropriate CC response; 
  3.   Develop plans in managing risks for climate change resilient community programs; 
  4.   Make DENR programs gender responsive and participatory; and
  5.   Communicate CC policies and impacts within DENR and the general public.

Project Description:

The focus group discussions conducted last December 2021 among the planning, technical staff, and members of the Human Resource Services from the six (6) bureaus of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) revealed their perceptions and knowledge of basic concepts of Climate Change (CC), programs and policies related to CC action, process in identifying and planning CC programs, and their personal initiatives in responding and mitigating CC.

The FGD findings revealed their perceptions and knowledge of basic concepts of Climate Change (CC), programs and policies related to CC action, process in identifying and planning CC programs, and their personal initiatives in responding and mitigating CC. The FGD highlighted  the need to effectively mainstream climate change and  climate change actions to all personnel  of DENR,  as well as  deepen personal and institutional commitment in taking action to mitigate the adverse impact of CC to lives, food security, economy, and the state of the environment. Given the above scenario, a strong need to develop a capacity building program emerges and an enhanced competency development program should be designed.

The PSSC then developed and will deliver the following modules:

Module 1: Understanding Basic Climate Change Concepts, Paris Agreement, COP26, National Determined Contribution, and significant CC programs of DENR  (Albert Magalang, DENR CCS)

Module 2: Identifying CC challenges in the Philippine and the need for appropriate CC response (Dr. Rodel Lasco, Oscar M. Lopez Center)

Module 3: Building Resilience for Climate Change (Dr. Mahar Lagmay)

Module 4: Making DENR CC programs gender responsive and participatory (Dr. Echel Tongson)

Module 5: Mainstreaming CC within DENR and the general public (Dr Ruby Cristobal, DOST and communication expert)