MBFI Outstanding Filipinos (MOF) Field Validation Project

Dates of Implementation/Duration:   2 May 2024 to 30 June 2024

Partner Institution: MBFI Outstanding Filipinos (MOF) Field Validation Project


  1. Validate the accuracy and authenticity of the claims and milestone accomplishments of 36 semi-finalists for the MBFI Outstanding Filipinos Award, and
  2. Inquire into the result or impact of the milestone accomplishments on identified stakeholders

Project Description:

The Metrobank Foundation Inc. (MBFI) runs a prestigious national award–the annual Search for Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos– that honors exemplary teachers, military personnel and police officers. At present, MBFI needs field validators to verify the authenticity of the claims and assess the results or impact of the milestone accomplishments of shortlisted nominees. 

The MBFI is commissioning the Philippine Social Science Council  to provide the services required. PSSC  represents itself to have the necessary capacity  and expertise to provide the services in accordance with the project requirements and pursuant to the standards and within the period required by MBFI.