Piloting of the Updated Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Checklist

Dates of Implementation/Duration:  6 December 2024 to 30 October 2025

Partner Institution: The World Bank Group


There is a growing body of evidence that high-quality early education programs have been shown to enhance school readiness, decrease achievement gaps, and increase future educational attainment and workforce productivity. By equipping young children with the necessary skills and knowledge, Early Childhood Education (ECE) contributes to the development of a skilled and productive workforce and, ultimately, to economic growth and social prosperity. One of the recommendations from the recently published World Bank’s report on Strengthening Early Childhood Education in the Philippines, which analyzes the present state of ECE services in the Philippines, is to measure the effectiveness of current ECE programs, including the effectiveness of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Checklist. The ECCD Checklist was developed in 2001 with the aim to monitor children’s growth and development and identify the risk of developmental delay to facilitate early intervention. The aims of the revised checklist remain the same, incorporating contemporary international best practices of early childhood measurement and monitoring.

The main objective of the project is to support the ECCD Council in piloting the revised ECCD Checklist Child Record 2, among children aged 3 to 5 years old in collaboration with the World Bank Group. The pilot will help assess the feasibility and acceptability of the revised checklist, as well as aspects of reliability and validity, and provide necessary feedback and recommendations for further enhancement.