Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project-Decentralized Management Development Program (Sedip-Dmdp) Survey Component

Dates of Implementation/Duration: August 2006-March 2007

Partner Institution: SEAMEO-Innotech


   To draw out the reflections, expectations and concerns of the Department of Education (DepEd) administrators and personnel on efforts to decentralize the management of Philippine basic education, as embodied under RA 9155 (The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001).

Project Description and Outputs:

PSSC was commissioned to design a self-administered questionnaire to draw out the understanding, expectations and concerns of DepEd personnel at different levels of the education hierarchy/bureaucracy regarding the expressed rationales, modalities, and processes of education decentralization. PSSC was also responsible for the processing and analysis of data, and report-writing. The actual collection of the data was undertaken by DepEd and SEAMEO-Innotech.

The survey covered a total of 201 respondents distributed across DepEd’s administrative levels and chosen from among SEDIP program areas (consisting of eight regions and the National Capital Region). The survey findings served as inputs to the preparation of Decentralized Management Development Program strategy map, which is meant to identify priority concerns for the decentralization of basic education management and provide focus on the conduct of DMDP training and other activities.