Strengthening the Research Capacity and Resources of the Philippine Postal Corporation

Dates of Implementation:

Partner Institution: Philippine Postal Corporation


  • Take stock of the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost)’s research orientation and readiness
  • Improve the competency of PHLPost staff to design, carry out, and manage research

Project Description:

PSSC was commissioned by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) to build the research capacity and resources of PHLPost personnel. It carried out a needs assessment to take stock of PHLPost’s internal resources and capacities to conduct and manage research. On the basis of this assessment, PSSC designed and conducted two training workshops on policy research, the first on 16-20 September 2019 and the second, on 12-13 November 2019. The workshops were meant to equip PHLPost staff with skills in policy analysis and stakeholder consultations, familiarize the staff with the requirements and process for passing/amending laws, and get the staff to review provisions of the PHLPost charter that need to be amended.