Sustainability Science Conference

Dates of Implementation: 19-21 August 2015

Partner Institution: Chulalongkorn University


  1. document and systematically assess the state of social and sustainability sciences in Southeast Asia, principally among tertiary institutions as well as other national or regional research organizations 
  1. analyze what social and sustainability sciences now do, or how they can in the future, contribute to better analyzing social, global and environmental change processes and policies affecting Southeast Asia and its overlapping Greater Mekong Sub-Region
  1. explore new methods, tools, resources, networking approaches and policy options to improve teaching, learning and research especially among public sector universities, colleges, and institutes while strengthening institutional capacities and curricula for social and sustainability sciences in Southeast Asia and the GMS

Project Description:

The Philippine Social Science Council has been invited by the Chulalongkorn University to contribute a plenary paper for its conference entitled “Social and Sustainability Sciences in the ASEAN Community: A Regional Research Symposium and Academic Policy Dialogue” on 19-21 August 2015. It requests PSSC to specifically focus on the state of social and sustainability sciences in the Philippines.