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UNACOM-PSSC Phase IV: Roundtable with Model Teachers

Dates of Implementation: June 8 2002

Partner Institution: UNACOM

Project Description:

In anticipation of the nationwide implementation of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum, the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines-Social and Human Sciences Committee (UNACOM-SHSC) and the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) spearheaded a roundtable discussion to elicit the views of nationally recognized model educators on the restructured curriculum. Held on 8 June 2002, the activity was participated in by awardees of the Metrobank Outstanding Teacher Award and Avon-Department of Education (DepEd) Gintong Ilawan Teodora Alonso Educator Award. Most of the participants are teachers from public elementary and secondary schools and are frontliners in the ongoing reform.