
Access resources from Frank X. Lynch Library, PSSC Knowledge Archives, PSSC Publications, PSSC Reports, and PSSC Book Shop.

The PSSC Database Portal compiles Philippine social science resources and databases into a single website. Users are able to search for a keyword, category, or database and are directed to the relevant pages. Possible additions for the future include adding additional resources for researchers and students to visualize and analyze the available data.

Read our Annual Reports from 1981 to present.

FRANK X. LYNCH, SJ LIBRARY carries local and foreign scholarly journals and publications; books, monographs and research reports of Filipino and Philippine-based social scientists; and theses and dissertations funded under PSSC’s Research Award Program.

An open access repository of books, journal articles, research papers, and other publications produced by Filipino social science researchers.

PSSC PUBLICATIONS is the leading repository of refereed publications of PSSC and its member organizations, social science scholars and practitioners in the fields of political science, linguistics, psychology, sociology, public administration, communication and other related disciplines.

PSSC BOOK SHOP is a one-stop shop for Philippine social science publications, including those produced by PSSC and its member-organizations, the Philippine Migration Research Network, and leading university presses.

Read our complete volumes and special issues of the Social Science Information from 1973 to present.

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