
PSSC roster of social scientists

Grace “Gigi” Javier-Alfonso

To describe the life of Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso as exciting and inspiring is an understatement. She is a multi-awarded artist, a painter, sculptor, filmmaker, director for television, film researcher, a multimedia artist, a film critic, teacher, communicator, and a lifelong learner. Dr. Alfonso’s life can be characterized as a fervent exploration of new platforms

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Loretta Makasiar Sicat

Dr. Loretta Makasiar Sicat is one of the distinguished and renowned social scientists who played a huge role in facilitating the growth of PSSC and the social sciences. In recognition of her contributions, a documentary exploring her life and legacy would be immortalized and presented to a wider public. Dr. Sicat has dedicated her life

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Dr. Alfredo Villa-Gracia Lagmay

Dr. Alfredo Lagmay originally wanted to take up medicine “to heal and assuage pain” but lack of resources constrained him for doing so.  He took up Psychology instead. He was a working student and was assigned to different offices of the University of the Philippines in Diliman.  After the Second World War, he shifted to

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Br. Andrew Gonzalez

Br. Andrew Gonzalez is well remembered for his exceptional intelligence and love for education and teaching.  As a young student, he was way ahead of his classmates, having been accelerated twice during his elementary years.  He realized early in life that his vocation was not merely to teach, but to become a Christian educator; hence,

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Dr. Francisco Nemenzo

Dr. Francisco “Dodong” Nemenzo is one of the country’s most respected political scientists who, in his own words, “specialized in the study of unconventional politics.” While pursuing graduate studies at the University of Manchester in England, he joined a Communist club and immersed himself in Marxist philosophy, economics, and politics.  Back in the Philippines, he

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Dr. Gelia T. Castillo

Dr. Gelia T. Castillo devoted her early years in the academe as Director of Maquiling School; Head of the Social Research Division of the University of the Philippines (UP) Los Baños’ Department of Agricultural Education; and Chair of the UP Los Baños Social Science Commission. Dr. Castillo also helped establish the Department of Sociology in

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Dr. Mercedes B. Concepcion

Dr. Mercedes B. Concepcion is a recognized pioneer in three social science disciplines— sociology, demography, and statistics. Her body of work as an academic/scholar and as an institution-builder has earned her the title of National Scientist, the highest distinction bestowed to Filipino scientists by the Philippine government. In 2005, the United Nations also conferred on

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Dr. Ricardo G. Abad

Dr. Ricardo G. Abad is well-regarded in both the erudite spaces of the Philippine academe and the creative world of the theatre. After receiving an education under the Ateneo de Manila school system— elementary, high school and university—he pursued his doctorate degree in Sociology at Fordham University in New York as a Fulbright Scholar in

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