Suggest a Topic for the next AASSREC Conference


This is a reminder that topic suggestions for the 24th Biennial General Conference need to be submitted to via return email no later than Friday 19 March. Your suggestions can be as formal or informal as you like and suggestions for sub-topics or sessional themes will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to those members who have already provided suggestions. The AASSREC Executive Council will meet shortly to consider the suggestions and decide on a topic. The conference will be held in mid-late October 2021 and hosted by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

This is a reminder that topic suggestions for the 24th Biennial General Conference need to be submitted to via return email no later than Friday 19 March. Your suggestions can be as formal or informal as you like and suggestions for sub-topics or sessional themes will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to those members who have already provided suggestions. The AASSREC Executive Council will meet shortly to consider the suggestions and decide on a topic. The conference will be held in mid-late October 2021 and hosted by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

This is a reminder that topic suggestions for the 24th Biennial General Conference need to be submitted to via return email no later than Friday 19 March. Your suggestions can be as formal or informal as you like and suggestions for sub-topics or sessional themes will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to those members who have already provided suggestions. The AASSREC Executive Council will meet shortly to consider the suggestions and decide on a topic. The conference will be held in mid-late October 2021 and hosted by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

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