UGAT’s 43rd Annual Conference: Anthropologies of (De)Colonization and Beyond


UGAT’s 43rd Annual Conference
Anthropologies of (De)Colonization and Beyond
7-11 December 2021 | via Zoom

UGAT cordially invites the public to its 43rd Annual Conference, to be held for free online, on 7-11 December 2021. The conference theme is “Anthropologies of (De)Colonization and Beyond” where 500 years of the unfolding human story of colonization and de-colonization is examined through anthropology’s four fields (physical / biological anthropology, anthropology of linguistics, archaeological anthropology and sociocultural anthropology), interrogating, unpacking, contesting, describing, and explaining the role and engagement of anthropology and other academic disciplines in understanding the causality and long-lasting effects of colonization that continue in the quotidian lives of peoples and localities globally. 

In addressing the theme, the conference offers four keynote addresses, one roundtable discussion, 82 paper presentations, one film panel, and a book launch. The UGAT conference aims to provide an arena for reflexive and critical discussions on colonialism- and de-colonialism-related issues, and to foster meaningful and engaged discussions among practitioners of anthropology – whether in academe, development and cultural work, media, art, advocacy, policy and governance, community work, or other forms of social action.

Visit the UGAT website to learn more.

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