PSSC launches pilot episode of Usapang Sosyal


The Philippine Social Science Council presents Usapang Sosyal, a public affairs talk program that tackles current events and relevant national or international issues using the lens of various social science disciplines. It aims to present a multidisciplinary discussion to expose listeners and viewers to research-backed findings, arguments, reflections, and insights of Filipino social science scholars and educators.

The first episode features Sociology professor Dr. Filomin C. Gutierrez, with host Asst. Prof. Matthew Miranda, where they talk about the new book, Crime and Punishment in the Philippines: Beyond Politics and Spectacle. In this book, she explores the complex saga of crime, justice, and punishment in the Philippines from our history with death penalty to the perspectives from victims and prisoners.

Watch the first episode of Usapang Sosyal below:

You can buy a copy of Crime and Punishment in the Philippines: Beyond Politics and Spectacle at the PSSC Bookshop.

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