WE ARE HIRING | 3 Student Interns

The Philippine Social Science Council is looking for three student interns who can perform the following functions:

  1. Library Assistant
  1. Assist in cataloging physical resource collection of PSSC 
  2. Assist in updating online databases and academic resource collection of PSSC


  • Undergraduate student in Bachelor in Library and Information Science/ Bachelor of Library Science
  1. Research Assistant
  1. Transcribe and manage the processing of data
  2. Organize and prepare written outputs, e.g. draft background papers, analysis, sections of studies, inputs to publications, etc.


  • Undergraduate degree in a social science discipline
  1. Media Assistant
  1. Assist in the the Usapang Sosyal podcast production
  2. Assist in the updating of PSSC social media accounts


  • Undergraduate degree in a social science discipline
  • Familiarity with video editing and Canva

Student interns will be compensated for their service rendered. Interested applicants may send their cover letter and resume to recruitment@pssc.org.ph, citing the Job Title on the subject line.

Please address applications to:

Wilson Comia Villones
Head, Program Development and Management Section
Philippine Social Science Council

Due to the high number of applications we will only be able to respond to shortlisted applicants.

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