Webinar | Life in Lockdown Part 2: Experience of Women and LGBTQ+ Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Please join us this Thursday (29 July 2021) at 2:00 – 4:00 pm for the PSSC-WSAP webinar onCOVID-19 EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN AND LGBTQ COMMUNITY. The webinar is the second of PSSC’s Life in Lockdown: The Social Science Webinar Series that aims to recognize the works or contribution of social scientists and explore their role in helping solve the country’s most complex issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This second webinar will have a talk show format and the discussions will revolve around these questions:

  • What are the experiences of women and LGBTQIA+ groups during the pandemic? How do women, LGBTQIA+, and organized groups and institutions, including government respond to the issues surrounding the COVID-19?
  • What areas of social or legal protection should the policymakers be looking at? Are there protections for this sector coming from other institutions?

You may register your attendance here: bit.ly/PSSCLiL2

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