Latest News and Events
Plan ahead and join our upcoming activities, fora and training workshops.

UPPI and DRDF presents latest research brief on vaccination insights for older people
The UP Population Institute and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation , Inc., presents new research brief on older Filipinos’ awareness of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, their level of vaccination, and the extent to which these vary across selected characteristics of older people.

Noob’s Gentle Introduction to Using R
The Philippine Economic Society will be holding its first online training offering, “Noob’s Gentle Introduction to Using R” this on

Available Spaces for Rent at the PSSC
Are you looking for a cozy, serene, clean, environment-friendly, and conducive place to work? Check out our vacant rooms at the Philippine

Kinsa ang mga Lumad? Views from Indigenous Leaders
Kinsa ang mga Lumad? Views from Indigenous LeadersSecond of a Two-Part Round Table DiscussionMarch 27, 2021 | 10:00 AM to

What’s in a Name? Views from Anthropologists on ‘Lumad’
Join Ugnayang Agham Tao (UGAT) in the first of its two-part roundtable discussion on on March 25, 2021 at 10am via Zoom. The first part aims to unpack and unsettle the politics of naming for the Lumad.

CALL FOR PAPERS: 2021 PSS International Conference
The Philippine Sociological Society will hold its annual conference with the theme: “The Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance: New and Emerging Challenges to Lives, Communities, and Places.”

PMRN’s new publication is now available for pre-orders at PSSC Bookshop
The Philippine Migration Research Network’s newest publication, “Looking Back, Moving Forward: Philippine Migration Issues, Policies, and Narratives,” is now available for pre-orders at the PSSC Book Shop! The book will be available on March 15.

Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship for MA Demography and Population Studies at UPPI
The UP Population Institute (UPPI) is pleased to announce the launching of the “Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship” starting first
Aghamtao Call for Papers: The Philippine Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) Two Decades Later
The Philippine Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) Two Decades Later: What Worked, What Failed, What Now? Special issue for Aghamtao,

WEBINAR | Navigating the Future: Hope, education, and future lives among Filipino Migrants in Singapore
Philippine Geographical SocietyNavigating the Future: Hope, education, and future lives among Filipino Migrants in SingaporeSpeaker: Evangeline Katigbak-Montoya15 March 2021 (Monday),

SSI Vol. 47-48 (2019-2020) is now available!
The Philippine Social Science Council’s (PSSC) Social Science Information, Vol. 47-48 (2019-2020) with the theme “Historical Fact and Fiction” is

2nd PSS Socio-Caravan Online 2021
PSS Socio-Caravan OnlineChallenges to Sociological Imagination26 February 2021, 6:00PM (GMT+8:00) | via Facebook How does academic freedom allow for genuine